Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to 4 categories of frequently asked questions: The Carlstar Group Trailer Tires, The Carlstar Group ATV/UTV Tires, The Carlstar Group Industrial Belts and Ultimax Snowmobile & ATV/UTV belts. If you need additional information, please email your question to or

The Carlstar Group Trailer Tires

Where are The Carlstar Group tires made?
Depending upon which The Carlstar Group tire you select, the tire could have been made in a U.S. factory or elsewhere. We are an American company committed to American manufacturing and standards.

The Carlstar Group tires manufactured in Asia are developed in factories owned and operated by The Carlstar Group, under the supervision of American engineers and tested according to U.S. standards.

Can I purchase tires direct from The Carlstar Group?
The Carlstar Group does not sell direct or offer our products for sale over the internet. The Carlstar Group tires are sold to original equipment manufacturers and through distributors. To find a The Carlstar Group dealer near you, please type in your zip code on our dealer locator at:

What trailer tire do you recommend?
For best trailer performance, we suggest that you try the The Carlstar Group Radial Trail RH (be sure to specify "RH" as that indicates the latest, new and improved model). We find that many consumers are not aware of their trailer tire construction, either radial or bias ply, and may be running the wrong tire for their pattern of use. For trailer tire best practices, please download the tips at:

What is the proper tire inflation?
Always maintain air pressure at the maximum PSI recommended on the tire sidewall. It's best to check tire pressure with a quality tire gauge when tires are cold and in the shade.

Under inflation is the number one cause of trailer tire failure. An underinflated tire creates abnormal tire flexing and excessive heat causing the following:

  • Ride and problems
  • Decreased fuel effiency by as much as 10 percent
  • Reduction of tire life

Driving on tires with too much air is also not recommended. Over-inflated tires are more likely to cut, puncture or fail by sudden impact.

How do I determine the age of my trailer tires?
Every tire has a date code stamped on the sidewall, which is the date the tire was manufactured. The date code is usually at the end of the DOT I.D. and is a 4 digit number. The first two numbers indicate the week (out of 52) and the last two digits indicate the year. For example, 3409 means the tire was manufactured the 34th week of 2009.

Please keep in mind that remaining tread is not an indicator of tire life as the irregular duty cycle requires that they sit in extended storage under static load conditions often for long periods without tire movement or maintenance causing the tire carcass (internal structure) to break down, a condition undetected by visual inspection.

What does “ST” mean?
Trailer tires are designated “ST” for “Special Trailer” tires. Trailer tire requirements differ greatly from automotive or light truck tires. Automotive tires are designated “P” for Passenger or “LT” for Light Truck and are not designed for trailer use. Passenger or truck tires, with their more flexible sidewalls, can result in trailer sway problems. The stiffer, heavy duty sidewalls of ST tires are designed to control and reduce sway problems. The construction, design, materials and testing used in “ST” tires meet the higher load requirements, duty cycles and special demands of trailering.

How fast can I travel on The Carlstar Group trailer tires?
Please refer to the tire sidewall to confirm the speed rating/speed symbol. If the tire is not marked with a speed symbol the default speed rating for trailer tires is 62 mph. Most trailer tires are rated at 65 mph (J: ST tires) and at 62 mph (J: non-metric tires).

Is USA Trail a tubeless tire?
Yes - all of our USA trails are tubeless (TL).

Is it a good idea to install tubes in trailer tires?
The Carlstar Group trailer tires are tubeless tires, meaning they don't require a tube. Our recommendation is that tubeless tires be used without tubes. We do not recommend that customers use a tube to "fix" a flat tire. Flat tires should be inspected and repaired (if possible) by a tire dealer.

Tube-type tires.
When using a tube-type tire, be sure to use the proper size tube, the proper flap and an appropriate wheel/valve stem style with a new tire.

I have two brand new The Carlstar Group tires and two that are about 30% tread. Does it matter which tires are on the front or back axle?
Keep the new tires on the same axle and the two worn on the other. It shouldn't matter if they are positioned in the front or the back. But please keep in mind, that tires mounted on the rear axle are likely to wear faster than the tires on the front axle.

Where do I register my new tires?
The tire warranty registration form is on-line at:

What information do I need to register? For example, my tire side wall reads:

TWI AQ12 DOT AQB5 O512 means:

  • TWI: is tread wear indicator, which is marked on the upper sidewall
  • AQ12: this is the mold number
  • DOT: Department Of Transportation

Please register the information following the DOT mark which is "AQB5 0512".

  • AQ: Manufacturing plant code
  • B5: Manufacturer specific tire size code
  • 05: Production week
  • 12: Last 2 digits of the year of manufacture (2012)

There is room for 12 digits on the registration form but The Carlstar Group only uses 8 digits.

The Carlstar Group states that your trailer tires exceed DOT requirements. What do you do to exceed DOT requirements?
Trailer tires are held to the FMVSS119 standard for DOT. The endurance test under this standard is typically either 34 hours or 47 hours depending on the size of the tire. The load during the test varies from 66% up to 114% per the DOT requirement. The Carlstar Group always extends the test after meeting the minimum endurance requirement for passing DOT by increasing the load to 130% and continuing the test. Our standard production checks are set to meet approximately twice the mileage required by DOT on the endurance wheel. We also have development standards that will exceed our standard production checks to insure that our product is robust enough so that we well exceed the DOT requirement at all times.

Should I choose 8 ply over 6 ply tires?
The 8 ply (Load Range D) will carry more load than the 6 ply (Load Range C) so it depends upon the weight of your trailer. Never exceed the maximum load rating stamped on the tire sidewall or the maximum vehicle load rating, whichever is less.

Trailer Tires Side Wall Specifications
The side wall of a trailer tire provides specific information regarding the size and style of the tire. For example, ST175/80D13C means:

  • ST - Specialty Tires for trailer use only.
  • 175 - the maximum width of the trailer tire is approximately 175 millimeters at its widest point.
  • 80 - the height of the sidewall is 80% of the width, in this case 140 millimeters.
  • D (for diagonal) shows that this is a bias tire. The belts on this tire run diagonally from bead to bead or at about 45 degree angles to the center line of the tire. If your tire shows the letter R, your tire is a radial tire. The belts on this tire run radially from bead to bead or at 90 degree angles to the center line of the tire.
  • 13 indicates this tire fits on a 13 inch diameter wheel.
  • C is the load range. Typically a "C" load range is equivalent to a 6 ply rated tire, "B" is a 4 ply, "D" is an 8 ply and "E" is a 10 ply rating.

Should trailer tires be rotated?
Trailer tires can be rotated when on a tandem axle to achieve move even wear across the set of tires.

Can trailer tires be plugged and patched?
A dealer may be able to repair a trailer tire with a puncture. Some tires are not repairable based upon the size and location of the puncture.

I’ve heard that your Radial Trail RH tire is the best. Is that technology used in the Sport Trail as well?
The Radial Trail RH is a radial ply tire. The Sport Trail is a bias ply tire. The tires use different technologies to achieve performance. The Carlstar Group has had great success with both of these product lines.

The Carlstar Group ATV/UTV Tires

What is the recommended tire pressure for normal operation?
Please refer to the Vehicle Owner's Manual or the specifications sticker on the vehicle for correct inflation pressures for the tires. A quality tire gauge should be used and the pressure should be taken "cold", when the tire has not been in service for any extended length of time.

What is the difference between Ply Rating and Star Rating?
A “Ply Rating” is a measure of the tire’s strength and is shown on many types of tires, including utility vehicle tires. A “Star Rating” is a measure of inflation pressure and is typically used on “AT” or ATV tires. There is no direct conversion between the two systems since they depict different values (strength vs. inflation).

STAR Rating System: A Star Rating indicates the maximum operating pressure for that tire. The Japan Automobile Tyre Manufacturers Association, Inc. (or JATMA) used kilopascals to measure tire inflation pressures. Due to the conversion difficulty to psi (1 Kpa = 0.14503773020923 psi), the Star Rating system began as an indication of the “Maximum Operating Pressure”.

A 1 Star (*) tire has a “maximum operating pressure” of 4 PSI.
A 2 Star (**) tire has a “maximum operating pressure” of 5 PSI.
A 3 Star (***) tire has a “maximum operating pressure” of 7 PSI.

The US Tire & Rim Association (TRA) adopted this identification system several years ago only for “AT” marked tires.  “AT” tires are labeled in the size description of ATV tires and are identified as having an operating condition at or below 7 PSI. ATV tires typically have a Star Rating, not a Ply Rating. The 3 stars on this sidewall indicate a maximum inflation pressure of 7 psi. Note that AT and NHS tires may indicate “Not for Highway Service,” as neither is to be used in such applications PLY Rating System: The Ply Rating system provides a strength index. Ply Rating is widely used by many classes of “off-highway” service tires. Years ago, a tire’s construction was rated by the number of plies (or layers) within the carcass. This rating system was used when less durable textile (such as cotton) was used to create the tire carcass. Because the material was less durable, it took more layers of bonded, fused material to increase the tire’s strength and longevity. However, with the advent of new technologies and materials, a tire can be constructed with only a few (2 or 3) plies of material, yet have the same strength and longevity of a 6- or 7-ply tire. Hence, a new 25x8.00-12 tire may have a 6-ply construction rating when set at 36 psi, yet be constructed with only a couple of layers.
“NHS” or non-highway service, utility vehicle tires typically use a Ply Rating and not a Star Rating. Below is an example of a sidewall for an NHS tire with a 6PR or 6 Ply Rating. The “6PR” shown on this NHS tire sidewall indicates a 6 ply rating.

The Carlstar Group Industrial Belts

Where are The Carlstar Group belts made?
The Carlstar Group belts are proudly made in the USA. The Carlstar Group belt plants are in Springfield, Missouri and Fort Scott, Kansas. We are an American company committed to American manufacturing and standards.

What is the difference between anti-static or static dissipating?
These terms have the same meaning. Anti-static means that a static charge will not build up on the belts. Static Dissipating means that when static starts to build up on the belt, it is able to carry it away. Under certain conditions of temperature and humidity, a belt drive may generate static electricity. Belts intended for operation in a potentially dangerous atmosphere can be constructed with a relatively low electrical resistance characteristic. It has become common practice to specify and refer to such belts as “static conductive”, “static dissipating”, or “anti-static”. Most The Carlstar Group V-Belts are static dissipating. Consult the The Carlstar Group PT catalog for additional information. The catalog can be downloaded at:

Where can I obtain drive design information?
The Carlstar Group drive design and analysis software, Drive Engineer, can now be downloaded from our website at:

Please explain the part number for Panther Plus.
Panther Plus has a new part numbering system. The part number is the length, followed by the pitch and top width. For example, 3600-8MPT-30 has a 3600 mm pitch length, 8 mm pitch, PT stands for Panther and 30 is the top width in mm.

What is the temperature rating for a Panther Plus belt?
The temperature rating for a The Carlstar Group Panther Plus synchronous belt is 200°F.

What is the normal shelf life for a belt?
With proper storage, normal shelf life is 7 years. The quality of a The Carlstar Group Belt is not considered to change significantly within seven years when stored properly under normal conditions. Normal conditions can be defined as temperature below 85°F and relative humidity of 70% or less with no exposure to direct sunlight.

Beyond seven years, assuming normal storage, a decrease in service life of approximately 10% per year can be expected. For belts not stored under “normal” conditions, the actual reduction in shelf life is difficult to measure due to lack of precise data and number of variables involved. When belts are stored under abnormal conditions, conservatism is recommended in estimating shelf life.

What is the Horsepower rating of a belt?
It depends on the pulley sizes, rpm, and overall drive parameters. You can calculate the HP rating of specific The Carlstar Group Belts using Drive Engineer. Download our drive design software from our website at:

Do The Carlstar Group belts meet CID A-A-52160A?
No. This US military spec has a -40°F test requirement and our material does not meet that requirement.

Is there a recommended maximum speed for pulleys?
6,500 feet per minute is the maximum recommended rim speed for standard pulleys. Anything over that requires ductile iron or steel (special order) and needs to be balanced accordingly.

Ultimax Snowmobile and ATV/UTV Belts

Where are Ultimax belts made?
All Ultimax snowmobile and ATV/UTV drive belts are proudly made in the USA in Springfield, Missouri. We are an American company committed to American manufacturing and standards.

Are The Carlstar Group and Dayco the same company?
No. In 2001, The Carlstar Group Companies, Inc. purchased the Dayco Industrial Belt Division. The acquisition by The Carlstar Group included belts for the industrial, agricultural, lawn & garden and powersports markets that Dayco once served. Among the products acquired by The Carlstar Group were the drive belts that are produced for major OEM snowmobile and ATV manufacturers as well as the leading aftermarket brand, Ultimax.

What about Dayco belts?
Dayco divested itself of the industrial markets it once served. Dayco now exists primarily as an automotive supplier. Dayco produces snowmobile belts which are sold through some automotive parts stores. The Carlstar Group manufactures premium quality Max, Ultimax Pro, and Ultimax XS snowmobile belts and Hypermax ATV/UTV belts that are sold through powersports dealers. The Carlstar Group is also a major supplier of original equipment ATV and snowmobile belts.

Where can I buy Ultimax belts?
You can purchase Ultimax belts from any powersports dealer. If your dealer does not have the belt you need in stock, they can order from one of our distributors like Kimpex, Parts Unlimited, Marshall Distributing, Western Power Sports, Tucker Rocky and others. Ultimax belts can also be purchased on-line from a variety of websites.

Is there a warranty on Ultimax belts?
The Carlstar Group stands behind all our products and offers a one year warranty on snowmobile belts and a two year warranty on ATV/UTV belts. Please be sure to complete the warranty information found on the back of the belt sleeve.

Do you have any tips on belt installation?
You can find helpful hints on snowmobile and ATV belt installation at:

Does it make a difference which direction you install a drive belt?
It doesn't matter which way you install the belt the first time, but it is important to keep the belt installed the same direction throughout the life of the belt.  If for any reason you have to take the belt off your machine, put it back on with the same rotation direction it was going when it was removed. An easy way to remember this is to always put the belt on so you can read the label on the belt.

How come my Ultimax belt has different dimensions than a competitive belt?
Belt dimensions can vary from one manufacturer to another based on proprietary design information. The Carlstar Group belts are built to exacting specifications and inspected with calibrated equipment to assure strict dimensional compliance.

Outside circumference and top width have traditionally been published. These dimensions should not be used to determine product functionality and may be more misleading than helpful. Proper fit and performance depend on the thickness of the belt, the bottom width, angle, etc. The Carlstar Group measures the effective length, center distance and ride-out on precision measuring equipment to produce a consistent high quality product.

The next time you measure a belt or compare the width of one belt to another, please realize that the real comparison should be on how the belt fits and performs on the machine.
